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Zeynep Ertekin

Zeynep Ertekin graduated from Sakarya University Faculty of Law in 2017. During her university years, she started her studies in the field of Human Rights with Mizan Law Student Community, of which she was the founding president. After graduation, she started working at the International Refugee Rights Association. Here, she continued her work in the fields of Aliens Law, Refugee Law and Human Rights Law. She also took an active role in the Rights Violations Investigation Committee and Prisons Investigation Committee of IHAK. She contributed to the reporting work in the Monitoring Group of the Rights Violations Investigation Committee-Philippines/Moro Region. She took an active role in the establishment and management of the Savana Women Lawyers Platform and carried out studies on the Istanbul Convention, Examples of the Death Penalty Applied in the World and the rights violations in East Turkistan on behalf of this platform. In addition to these, she carries out civil society activities in the Association of Lawyers, Justice Development Network Association and IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation. Ertekin, actively working as a coordinator at the International Refugee Rights Association, is a freelance lawyer.